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My beautiful, beautiful Archie....

I feel a little bit lost, to say the least, I don’t think I still fully believe that you have gone. I am wandering around the house aimlessly without my shadow, half of me is missing and I don’t have the first clue where to go, how to function or what to do without you. I don’t even want to hoover your hairs up because I know this time they won’t be back again tomorrow...

You taught me so many lessons, some horrifyingly gruesome, some funny and then some much harder than others. I taught you stuff too - not much I know 😉 - but regardless, we learnt our lessons together, side by side like the bestest of friends starting school on the same day - you struggled, I struggled, you tested me and I tested you...and then in the end, despite all of the worry in between we both made it through and passed with flying colours!

I learnt very quickly to duck when you shook your head

and not to ask a dog for a kiss in my best dress...slaver sticks

I learnt that you were capable of dragging a whole human through a field

and knowing when to let go of a lead is a crucial lesson best learnt early on

I learnt that no smell is as bad as a Great Dane pump

and that Aldi poo bags are a cost-saving too far...some things in life are worth that little bit extra

I learnt that the most memorable walks would always involve mud, diving through hedges and jumping ditches

and that it is impossible to catch a Great Dane on foot

I learnt that big dogs can dig BIG holes

and that ‘clean’ doesn’t make life better, white floors are a ridiculous idea anyway

I learnt that to wee on my own is a very lonely experience

and that despite all of the will in the world, a bath with bubbles and a dog nearby can never be relaxing, it is a game

I learnt the meaning of true friendship

and that magic ability you had to understand me, you could always make me smile

I learnt to recognise love when I looked into your eyes

and that when I looked right back I knew you could see it too

I learnt that you could say so many things to me without words

and that knowing when to say goodbye takes two very brave hearts

I learnt that sometimes the hardest decisions are the right decisions

and that at 2.47 pm on Monday 2nd December the biggest piece of me slipped quietly away with you.

You made such a massive difference to my life Archie and I feel so very privileged to have shared yours.

I will come and find you one day, obviously, I’ll bring my whistle to save me running through the mud listen out for me...and in the meantime go and find that ball and have some fun.

Play nicely and try to remember, butterflies are very delicate ❤️

I love you my darling, thank you for everything ... I will miss you so very very much.

Absolutely broken-hearted xxx

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